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Monthly Archives: August 2024

RMP Course/Rural Medical Practitioner

RMP Course/Rural Medical Practitioner Details RMP Course. Rural Medical Practitioner. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. RMP Course is a short medical course. RMP Course is the short form of Rural Medical Practitioner Course. The duration of this course is 6 Months and 1 Year. The course fee for RMP 6 …

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Hematology Details Hematology. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. The study of blood, blood cells, blood matrix, blood physiology, blood disease, and treatment of blood disease is called hematology. Hematology is an important subject for medical science. In Hematology we discuss blood cells, the functions of blood cells, the blood matrix …

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General Pathology

General Pathology Details General Pathology. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965. General Pathology is a branch of pathology that discusses the known clinical abnormalities of disease. General Pathology includes atrophy, hypertrophy, metaplasia, gangrene, etc. General Pathology is important for understanding the causes and procedures of disease. General Pathology is a common …

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Practice Of Neuro Medicine-1

1. Headache কি? Headache এর কারন ও চিকিৎসা উল্লেখ কর। মাথার ভিতরে pain অনুভূত হলে তাকে headache বলে। Headache কোন রোগ নয়, রোগের manifestation. Causes : i) Trauma (head injury, neck injury ইত্যাদি) ii) Inflammation (sinusitis, otitis ইত্যাদি) iii) Raised intracranial pressure (intracranial hemorrhage, CSF obstruction) iv) Vascular disorder v) …

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Digital Class: Dermatology (Tineasis & Candidiasis)

Micro Organism 4 types– 1.Bacteria 2.Virus 3.Fungus 4.Protozoa Fungus:2 types 1.Tinea-Tinea সৃষ্ট রোগ গুলিকে Tineasis বলে। 2.Candida-Candida সৃষ্ট রোগ গুলিকে Candidiasis বলে। Tineasis- 1.Tinea Pedis-(দু আঙ্গুলের চিপায়) 2. Tinea Cruris-(রানের চিপায়) 3. Tinea Corporis- (দাদ চিপা বাদে অন্য Open Skin এ 4. Tinea Unguium/Orycomycosis- নখের চিপায় । 5.Tinea ningra-হাতের তালুতে …

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Dementia Treatment and Management

Dementia Treatment and Management Details Dementia Treatment and Management. Mobile Phone number 01797522136, 01987073965. Dementia is a group of symptoms that affect memory, thinking, and ability to perform daily activities. Dementia is a complication of some diseases. Dementia is currently the seventh cause of death. It is one of the …

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Mental Disease Bangla & English Sheet

MENTAL DISEASE                                                  মানসিক রোগ STUDY OUTLINE ✓ Psychiatry ✓ Depression ✓ Anxiety neurosis ✓ Hysteria. ✓ Obsessive compulsive disorder ✓ Schizophrenia   PSYCHIATRY সাইকিয়াট্রি বা মনোরোগ ➤ What is psychiatry? Psychiatry is the branch of medicine deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of behavioural disorder. > সাইকিয়াট্রি বলতে কি বুঝ? …

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