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HRTD Medical Institute

Symptomatic Treatment & OTC Drugs

Symptomatic Treatment & OTC Drugs Details

Symptomatic Treatment & OTC Drugs. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. Symptomatic Treatments depend on the symptoms of the disease of the patients. OTC Drugs are Over The Counter Drugs. The drugs that may be used without a doctor’s prescription. OTC drugs are different in different countries. It depends on the literacy of the nation. The more literate the people, the more numbers of OTC Drugs and Medicines.

Symptomatic Treatment OTC Drugs

In Maximum cases, OTC Drugs and Medicines are used for the symptomatic treatment of the patients. But in some cases, OTC Drugs and Medicine are used for the treatment according to the causes of the diseases. Common OTC Drugs are Paracetamol, Antacid, Omeprazole, Albendazole, Mebendazole, Chlorfeniramine, Chloramphenicol, etc. Symptomatic Treatment and OTC Drugs are discussed in some courses at HRTD Medical Institute.

Symptomatic Treatment of Fever or Pyrexia

Fever is the elevated temperature of the body. A body temperature higher than normal is called Fever. Fever is also called Pyrexia. OTC Drugs used for the symptomatic treatment of Fever are Paracetamol and Aspirin. Paracetamol is safe for all patients but Aspirin is not safe for all patients. For more information about Paracetamol and Aspirin, HRTD Medical Institute provides some short and long medical courses. These courses are Paramedical, Diploma Medical Assistant, DMS Course, DMDS, DPM, and LMAF. These courses are helpful for primary treatment and selling medicine without a doctor’s prescription.

Treatment of Skeletal Pain according to symptoms

Pain is a common problem. Skeletal pains are Skeletal Muscle pain, Bone pain, Joint pain, Arthritis pain, Gout pain Muscle cramps, Calf muscle cramps, tendinitis, bursitis, Accidental pain, Traumatic pain, Low back pain, upper back pain, Spondylitis, Ankylosing Spondylitis,

Symptomatic Treatment of Nausea and Vomiting

Anti-vomiting drugs are Domperidone, Ondansetron, Palanosatron, Maclizine and pyridoxine, and Hyoscine Hydrobromide. These drugs may be used for the symptomatic treatment t of Vomiting and Nausea.

Domperidone for Nausea and Vomiting with Bloating.

Ondansatrone and Paloanosatron for Drug-Related Vomiting, X-Ray Related Vomiting, and Chemotherapy-related vomiting.

Meclizine and Pyridoxin for Vomiting or Nausea of Pregnant Patient. Because these drugs are safe.

Hyoscine hydrobromide for Journey Related Vomiting

Treatment of Migraine according to symptoms

Treatment of Vertigo according to symptoms

Treatment of Diarrhea according to symptoms

Treatment of Dysentery according to symptoms

HRTD Medical Institute

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