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HRTD Medical Institute
Post Diploma Training in Gastrology

Gastrology Course in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Gastrology Courses Details

Gastrology Course in Dhaka. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. These Courses are 6 Months PDT-Gastrology, 1-Year PDT Gastrology, and 2-Year PDT-Gastrology. 6 Month PDT-Gastrolocy Course Fee is Tk 35000/-, 1 Year PDT Gastrology Course Fee is Tk 65000/-, and 2 Years PDT Gastrology Course Fee Tk 125000/-. Each Semester of 6 Months contains 4 subjects and an exam mark of 400.

Post Diploma Training in Gastrology

6 Months Post Diploma Training in Gastrology ( PDT-Gastrology 6 Months) Course Details

6 Months Post Diploma Training in Gastrology that is PDT-Gastrology 6 Months Course Fee 35000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 10000/-, Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/- and Exam Fee of Tk 1000. 6 Months PDT-Gastrology Course contains 4 subjects. You can choose any 4 of these subjects Gastro Anatomy & Physiology, Gastro Intestinal Drugs, Common Gastro-Intestinal Disease, Gastro Intestinal Infectious Disease, and Pediatric Gastrology-1.

Post Diploma Training in Gastrology

1 Year Post Diploma Training in Gastrology (PDT-Gastrology 1 Year) Course Details

1 Year Post Diploma Training in Gastrology that is PDT-Cardiology 1 Year Course Fee Tk 65000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 15000/-, Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/- and Exam Fee of Tk 2000. 1 Year PDT-Gastrology Course contains 8 subjects. You can choose any 8 of these subjects Gastro Anatomy & Physiology, Gastro Intestinal Drugs-1, Gastro Intestinal Drugs-2, Common Gastro-Intestinal Disease, Gastro Intestinal Infectious Disease, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Management of Acute Abdomen, Pediatric Gastrology-1, Hepatitis & Pancreatitis, etc.

Gastrology Course in Dhaka

2 Years Post Diploma Training in Gastrology (PDT-Gastrology 2 Years) Course Details

2-Year Post Diploma Training in Gastrology that is PDT-Cardiology 2-Year Course Fee Tk 125,000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 25000/-, a Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/-, and an Exam Fee of Tk 4000. 2 Year PDT-Gastrology Course contains 16 subjects. You can choose any 16 of these subjects Gastro Anatomy & Physiology, Gastro Intestinal Drugs-1, Gastro Intestinal Drugs-2, Common Gastro-Intestinal Disease, Gastro Intestinal Infectious Disease, Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Management of Acute Abdomen, Pediatric Gastrology-1, Hepatitis & Pancreatitis, Gastric Ulcer & Its Management, Duodenal Ulcer & Its Management, Anatomy of Hepato Biliary System, Digestive Juice & Dyspepsia, etc.

What is Gastrology?

The study of Gastro Anatomy, Gastro Physiology, Gastro Intestinal Drugs, and Gastro Intestinal Diseases is called Gastrology. Gastrology is a branch of Medicine that deals with Digestive System that is the Anatomy of the Digestive System, the Physiology of the Digestive System ( Such as the functions of Digestive Juices), Diseases of the Digestive System, and their treatment and complications.

What is Digestion?

The process of expelling the food components from food with the help of digestive juice is called Digestion.

What are the organs of the Digestive System?

Organs of the Digestive System are:

  1. Oral Cavity (The Surrounding part of the Oral Cavity)
  2. Tongue
  3. Esophagus
  4. Stomach
  5. Small Intestine
  6. Large Intestine
  7. Appendix
  8. Rectum
  9. Anus

Functions of Stomach

Food storage

Gastric Juice secretion

Making a paste of food

Destroying Food Germs by Hydrochloric acid of Gastric Juice

Protein Enriched Food Digestion

What are the parts of the Small Intestine?

Parts of Small Intestine are:

  1. Duodenum
  2. Jejunum
  3. Ilium

What are the Parts of the Large Intestine?

Parts of the Large Intestine are:

  1. Ascending Colon
  2. Transverse Colon
  3. Descending Colon
  4. Sigmoid Colon

What are the names of Digestive Juices?

The names of Digestive Juices are:

  1. Saliva
  2. Gastric Juice
  3. Bile
  4. Pancreatic Juice
  5. Intestinal Juice
  6. Juices of Brunner’s Glands

What are the main components of Gastric Juice?

The main components of Gastric Juice are:

  1. Pepsin
  2. Hydrochloric acid ( HCl)
  3. Water

What are the components of Pancreatic Juice?

The components of Pancreatic Juice are:

  1. Protiace (Trypsin)
  2. Lipase
  3. Amylase

What are the common diseases of the Digestive System?

Common diseases of the Digestive System are:

  1. Hyperacidity
  2. Gastric Ulcer
  3. Duodenal Ulcer
  4. Nausea
  5. Vomiting
  6. Diarrhea
  7. Dysentery
  8. Cholera
  9. Constipation
  10. Typhoid
  11. Healminthe
  12. GERD ( Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)
  13. H. pylori Infection
  14. Haematemesis

What are the names of the Sphincters of the Digestive System?

Names of the Sphincters of the Digestive System are:

  1. Upper Esophageal Sphincter
  2. Lower Esophageal Sphincter
  3. Pyloric Sphincter
  4. Ilio Cecal Sphincter
  5. External Anal Sphincter
  6. Internal Anal Sphincter
HRTD Medical Institute

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