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BMI/Body Mass Index

BMI/Body Mass Index Summary

BMI/Body Mass Index. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. The index used to know whether the body weight is correct according to the height of the body, it is called Body Mass Index. দেহের উচ্চতা অনুযায়ী দেহের ওজন ঠিক আছে কিনা তাহা জানার জন্য ইনডেক্স ব্যবহৃত হয়, তাকে বডি মাস ইনডেক্স /Body Mass Index বলে । HRTD Medical Institute provide some Diploma and Paramedical Courses that include BMI study and Practical. The Courses are Paramedical, Diploma Medical Assistant, Diploma in Medicine and Surgery, DMDS Course, Nursing Course and Physiotherapy Course.

The normal level of BMI

Normal BMI level ( 18.5-24.9)

Below 18.5 = Underweight

18.5-24.9= Normal / Healthy

25.0-29.9= Overweight

30.0 & above = Obese

How to calculate BMI

BMI is calculated using a person’s height & weight.

The formula of BMI Calculation is: BMI = Body Weight (Kg)/Square of Height (Meter)

[kg= kilogram is a Person’s weight]

Overweight & Obesity Definition

Overweight & obesity are defined as abnormal for excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

BMI Overweight
Mother making a healthy smoothie. Photo courtesy World Obesity Federation

What are the causes of obesity & overweight

obesity & overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed & calories expended. Globally there have been-

  1. Increase intake of energy-dense foods & that are high in fat & sugar.
  2. Decrease physical activity.

Common health consequence of overweight & obesity.

Ans: Raised BMI can cause of

Cardiovascular disease ( Mainly heart disease & stroke)


Musculoskeletal disorders (eg. osteoarthritis)

Some cancers ( Including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, Gall-bladder, kidney & colon)

How can overweight & obesity reduced?

Ans: Overweight & obesity as well as their related non-communicable disease are largely preventable.

Lifestyle modification also can reduce overweight & obesity.

At the individual level, people can—

  • Limit energy intake from total fats & sugar.
  • Increase consumption of fruit & vegetables as well as legumes, whole grains & Nuts.
  • Engage in regular physical activity ( 60 minutes a day for children & 150 minutes spread through the week for adults)

Life Style modification changes overweight & obesity ?

Ans: 1. Reducing the fat sugar & salt content of processed foods.

2. Ensuring that healthy & nutritious choice are available & affordable to all consumers.

3. Restricting marketing of food high & Sugar & salt & fats. Specially those food choices & supporting regular physical activity practice in the workplace.

Defination of under weight ?

Ans : BMI range below then 18.5 which called underweight .

Type of underweight ?

Ans : 1. Mild (<17.5)

2. Moderate (16-16.99)

3. Severe ( 15-15.99)

4. Extreme ( <15)

BMI below 13.5 can lead to organ failure, BMI below 12 can be life threatening.

Sign of being underweight ?

Ans : 1. Constant dieting.

2. Changes in eating habits.

3. Excessive exercising.

4. Always going to the toilets after meal.

5. Often skipping meals.

Consequence of underweight ?

  • Osteoporosis
  • Anaemia
  • Irregular periods ( in women)
  • Pregnency problem ( Pre-term labour)
  • Heart problem.

What causes being underweight ?

Ans : Some people may not follow a healthy & balance diet.

  • Some people can’t afford nutritious foods.
  • Some people do a lot of physical Activity.

Which disease can cause weight loss / underweight ?

Ans : Naushea, vomiting, diarrhoea

  • Infection
  • Cancer, HIV, or lung disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Thyroid problems
  • Crons disease.

How can gain weight ?

Ans : Life style modification can gain weight

  1. It is important to eat a variety of foods.
  2. Eat enough energy to gain weight, protein, vitamins & minerals.
  3. Try to snack on healthy, high energy foods like cheese, nuts, milk based smoothies & dried fruits.

Furters tips for gaining weight safely includer —

  • Using full cream milk.
  • Using healthy fats like olive oil or avocado.
  • Sprinkling some grated cheese on cooked food.
  • Adding protein powder to milk shakes.
  • Replacing tea or coffee milk drinks.
  • Doing some exercise to increase your appetite.

If having trouble gaining weight, it is based to rule out an underlying causes for underweight.

What is lipid profile ?

Ans : Lipid profile means pattern or status of the lipids in plasma.

Normal value of lipid profile ?

Lipid profile Value (mg/dl)

1.Triacylglycerol (TAG) <165mg/dl

2. Total cholesterol 150-220mg/dl

3. LDL-Cholesterol <180

4. HDL- Cholesterol >40

What do you mean by high LDL ?

Ans : High LDL means that you have to much LDL Cholesterol in your blood.

What causes the LDL to be high ?

Ans : Diet & High diet in saturated Fats, salt & cholesterol

  • Low in healthy proteins
  • Low in healthy in fiber containing food.

How to reduce high LDL by life style modification ?

Ans : 1. Limit unhealthy saturated fats.

2. A healthy die.

3. Regular exercise.

4. Weight loss.

5. Quitting tobacco.

6. Medication.

7. Fat fiber containing food.

Risk of LDL cholesterol ?

  1. Coronary Artery disease.
  2. peripheral artery disease.
  3. Heart disease, including chest pain & heartattack .
  4. Stroke.

What is high TAG ?

Ans : TAG ( triglycerides) are fat

HRTD Medical Institute

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