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HRTD Medical Institute
Nasal Polyps
Not for use in Television Close-up view inside the nostril in an elderly female patient showing a nasal polyp. Polyps are benign growths that project on a stalk from mucous membranes.

Nasal Polyps

Nasal Polyps Details

Nasal Polyps. HRTD 01797522136, 01987073965. Nasal polyps derive from an inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa. This is a disturbing disease that the patients feel uncomfortable when polyps are inflamed. Patient education is the best policy for the management of all diseases. Some courses are available for patient education at HRTD Medical Institute. Rhinology is the main subject to study nasal polyps.

Nasal Polyps
Not for use in Television Close-up view inside the nostril in an elderly female patient showing a nasal polyp. Polyps are benign growths that project on a stalk from mucous membranes.

Causes of Nasal Polyps

The actual cause of nasal polyps is not clearly known. However chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa is the main factor of nasal polyps. Causes of chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa are asthma, recurrent infections of the nasal mucosa, allergic reactions of the nasal mucosa, drug sensitivity, and immune disorder.

Types of Nasal Polyps

There are two primary types:

Ethmoidal Nasal Polyps and

Antrochoanal Nasal Polyps.

What are ethmoidal polyps?

Ans: Ethmoidal polyps are multiple, bilateral, painless, pearly white, grape-like masses arising from the ethmoidal air cells.
Ethmoidal air cells are multiple air cells on the medial to the eyes.

Characteristics of ethmoidal polyps

They are pedunculated,
They have a smooth white surface,
They may reach a large size, up to 20 cm in length,
On sectioning they have a fibrous consistency and small cystic spaces may be noted.
Strictly speaking, progressive ethmoidal hematomas are also polyps.

What are Antrochoanal polyps?

Ans:- Antrochoanal polyps (ACP) are benign lesions that arise from the mucosa of the maxillary sinus.
They grow into the maxillary sinus and reach the choana and nasal obstruction being their main symptom.
It is an interesting model to compare the pathophysiological mechanisms with those of bilateral nasal polyposis (NP).

Characteristics of Antrochoanal polyps

Antrochoanal polyps have the following characters:
A defined mass with mucin density is seen arising from the maxillary sinus.
Widening of the maxillary natural or accessory ostium and extending into the nasopharynx.
No associated bony destruction but rather a smooth enlargement of the sinus.

Location of Arising Nasal Polyps

Location of Arising of Ethmoidal Polyps: Ethmoidal polyps arise from the ethmoid sinuses and extend through the middle meatus into the nasal cavity.
Location of Arising of Antrochoanal Polyps: Antrochoanal polyps usually arise in the maxillary sinus and extend into the nasopharynx.

Complications of Nasal Polyps

There are many complications:

Obstruction of the nasal cavity thus causes respiratory problems

Obstruction of the paranasal sinuses

A reduction in the sense of smell

A decrease in susceptibility to an infection.

Medication Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Curing or controlling asthma

Curing or controlling mucosal allergic reaction

Curing infections of the nasal mucosa

Controlling drug sensitivity

Controlling immune disorder

Medication of Nasal Polyps

Surgical Treatment of the Nasal Polyps

Surgery to the nasal polyps by an ENT Specialist, Rhyno Surgeon, or ENT Surgeon.

Surgery for nasal polyps
Nasal polyp surgery. ENT surgeon (right) removing a nasal polyp (benign growth) using a microbrider (left hand). The position of the polyp is monitored using a nasal endoscope (surgeon’s right hand). This procedure is known as functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). A nasal endoscope is a thin, fiber-optic tube that can be inserted into the nose to examine openings in the sinuses. It allows surgical procedures to be performed entirely through the nostrils, leaving no external scars, little swelling, and only mild discomfort. Photographed at the West Middlesex Hospital, Twickenham, England.

আবহাওয়া স্যাতসেতে/ ভিজা থাকলে নাকের পলিপস বড় আকার ধারন করে । এমতাবস্তায় কি করবেন ?

আবহাওয়া স্যাতসেতে/ ভিজা থাকলে নাকের পলিপস বড় আকার ধারন করে । এমতাবস্তায় গরম দুধ অথবা গরম পানি পান করতে হবে । কমপক্ষে 24 ঘন্টায় দুইবার । রাতে শোয়ার সময় এবং সকালে ।

HRTD Medical Institute

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