Dental Technology Course in Dhaka
Dental Technology Course. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. Dental Technology 1 Year, and Dental Technology 2 Years.
Location of Dental Technology Training Center in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Location of Dental Technology Training Center. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. HRTD Medical Institute, Abdul Ali Madbor Mansion, Section-6, Block-Kha, Road-1, Plot-11, Mirpur-10 Golchattar, Metro Rail Piller No. 249, Dhaka-1216.
Course Fee for Dental Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Course Fee for Dental Technology. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. Dental Technology Course Fee for 1 Year is Tk 62500/- including Admission Fee, Monthly Fee, and Exam Fee. Dental Technology 2 Years Tk 102,000/- including Admission Fee, Monthly Fee, and Exam Fee.
Dental Technology Admission Eligibility in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dental Technology Admission Eligibility. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. SSC or Equivalent/ HSC/Degree/ Masters from Any Background ( Science/ Arts/ Commerce/ Technical).
Some Subjects for Dental Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Dental Technology Subjects. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136.
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Dental Anatomy
- Dental Pharmacology
- Dental Surgery-1
- Dental Surgery-2
- Medical Microbiology,
- Hematology
- General Pathology
- Dental Pathology
- Dental Abscess & Treatment
- Dental Filling Materials
- Oral Surgery
- Oral Ulcer
- Clinical Practice In Dental Surgery
- Dental Sterilization
Qualification for Admission into Dental Technology in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Minimum Qualification for Admission is SSC Pass. However, HSC, Bachelor Degree Pass, and Master Degree Pass students can be admitted into this Course.
Admission System of Dental Technology Course’
অনলাইন এবং অফলাইন দুই সিস্টেমেই ভর্তির সুযোগ আছে।
Payment System of Dental Technology Course
Payment System of Diploma Dental Technology Course. Mobile Phone Number 01797522136, 01987073965.
1 Year Diploma: Total Cost -62,500/- ,Admission Fee Tk 12,500/-, Monthly Fee Tk 3500/-,Exam Fee Tk 4000/- per Semester.
2 Years Diploma: Total cost-1,02,500/- Admission Fee Tk 20,500/-, Monthly Fee Tk 3000/-, Exam Fee Tk 2500/- per Semester.
Why Dental Technology Course is Important?
Teachers for Dental Technology Course
Dr. Sanjana, BDS
Dr, Nazmun Nahar Juthi, BDS
Dr. Kamrunnahar Keya, BDS
Class Time for Dental Technology Course in Dhaka
Weekly Class 3 hours. For Regular Students Friday 1 hour, Saturday 1 hour, and Monday 1 hour. For Job holders, Friday is 3 hours, or Monday is 3 hours. Morning Shift 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and Evening Shift 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
Dental Courses of HRTD Medical Institute
Dental Courses of HRTD Medical Institute. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. Dental Training Course, Diploma Dental Assistant, Diploma in Dental Technology Course, Diploma in Dental, Post Diploma in Dental Surgery.
These Courses are helpful and essential for taking a job in Dental Hospitals, Health Service Centers, Dental Care Centers, Dental Services Centers, Health Sectors of NGOs, Health Centers of Schools, Health Centers of Colleges, Health Sectors of Universities, and Health Sectors of Garments Manufacturing Companies, Dental Research and Manufacturing Company, Dental Device Manufacturing Companies, Dental Chemical Manufacturing Companies, etc.
These Courses are also helpful for conducting a Dental Chamber, Dental Clinic, Dental Nursing Home, General Hospital, Medical College, Medical Institute, Health Research Institute, Medical Research Institute, Dental Research Institute, etc.
Job Facilities of Diploma Dental Technology Course
Business Facilities of Diploma Dental Technology Course
Dental Anatomy & Physiology-
Dental Anatomy & Physiology হচ্ছে দাঁতের গঠনবিদ্যা ।যেখানে দাঁতের নামকরণ এবং দাঁত তৈরির কাঠামো সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করা হয়। মানুষের চোয়ালে ৪ ধরনের দাঁত থাকে ।
- Incisor
- Canine
- Premolar
- Molar
শিশুদের অস্থায়ী দাঁত ২০ টি এবং মানব্দেহের স্থায়ী দাঁত ৩২ টি-Maxilla তে ১৬ টি এবং Mandible ১৬ টি।
Proper দাঁতের ৪ ধরনের Tissue থাকে।
- Enamel
- Dentine
- Cementum
- Dental Pulp
মানবদেহের স্থায়ী দাঁত ৩২ টি।
Maxilla তে 16 টি , Mandible এ ১৬ টি ।
দাঁতের যে অংশ মাড়ির নিচে অবস্থিত তাকে Dental root বলে। Root এর ভিতরে যে ছিদ্র পথ থাকে তাকে বলা হয় Root Canal.এর মধ্য দিয়ে প্রবেশ করে Blood vessel & Nerve.এই Blood vessel & Nerve একত্র হয়ে Dental pulp গঠন করে।
Anatomy of Head Neck-
Head Neck bone-
Cranial bone = 8 টি
Facial bone= 14 টি
Middle ear bone = 6 টি
Hyoid bone(neck)= 1 টি
Total Bone= 29 টি
Brain :Brain হচ্ছে Nervous system এর সবচেয়ে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অংশ যা মাথার খুলির ভিতরে অবস্থিত।
Cranial Nerves: যে সকল Nerve brain থেকে উৎপত্তি হয়েছে তাদেরকে Cranial nerve বলে। Cranial Nerve 12 জোড়া ।
Cranial Nerve গুলি brain থেকে উৎপত্তি হয়ে brain এর আশেপাশের বিভিন্ন tissue তে মিলিত হয়েছে।
Dental Filling Materials for Dental Technology Course
Filling materials are those materials which are used for restoration purposes in dentistry. They vary in composition properties and manipulation.
Common Filling Materials are-
- Zinc oxide (Eugenol cement)
- Zinc oxide phosphate cement
- Silver cement
- Copper cement
- Calcium hydroxide
Neuro Anatomy for Dental Technology Course In Dhaka
দেহের যে system দ্বারা Monitoring & Coordination এর কাজ সম্পাদিত হয় তাকে Nervous system বলে। এর দুইটি অংশ । 1.Central Nervous system(CNS) 2.Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
CNS এর অংশ সমুহ -1.Brain 2. Spinal Cord
PNS এর অংশ সমুহ -1. Cranial Nerves12 জোড়া 2. Spinal Nerves 31 জোড়া
Nervous system এর কোষ গুলিকে Neuron বলে। Neuron 3 প্রকার .
1.Sensory Nerve 2. Motor Nerve 3.Internucial Neuron
Clinical Practice In Dental Surgery for Dental Technology Course In Dhaka
Personal hygiene-
It may be define as the process of maintain of cleanliness of personalmanagement is called personal hygiene.
Good personal hygiene is essential to promoting good health. Personal hygiene habits such as-
- Washing your hands
- Brushing and flossing your teeth will help keep bacteria, viruses andillnesses at bay and mental as well as physical benefits Practicing good body hygiene helps you feel good about yourself, which is important for your mental health.
Importance of Oral Hygiene-
The health of our mouth mirrors the condition of our body as whole. For example-When our mouth is healthy ,chances are our overall health is good too.
More Than 90% of all systemic disease have oral manifestations, including-swollen gums, mouth ulcers, dry mouth and excess gum problems. Such disease include-
-Oral Cancer
-Pancreatic cancer
-Heart disease
-Kidney disease .
Trigeminal Nerves & Its Branches for Dental Technology Course In Dhaka
Trigeminal nerve এর প্রধান শাখা গুলি হচ্ছে-
- Opthalmic nerve
- Maxillary nerve
- Mandibular nerve
The opthalmic nerve is responsible for sensory innervation of the face and skull above the palpebral fissure as well as the eye and portions of the nasal cavity.
The Maxillary nerve is a sensory branch & innervates portions of the nasal cavity, sinuses, maxillary teeth, palate, and the middle point of the face and skull above the mouth and below the forehead.
The mandibular nerve is unique in that it contains both sensory and motor fibers. Its provides sensory innervation of the buccal mucosa ,mandibular teeth and the skin below the mouth.
Oral & Dental Pathology for Dental Technology Course in Dhaka
There are many acquired and inherited developmental abnormalities that alter the size, shape and number of teeth.
Supernumerary teeth- Presence of extra. Such as-extra incisor, extra molar.
Cleidocranial dysplasia- ৫০ এর অধিক দাঁত হলে তাকে Cleidocranial dysplasia বলে। ইহা একটি autosomal dominant disorder.
Oligodontia-জন্মগতভাবে ৬ বা অধিক দাঁতের মিছিং থাকলে তাকে ওলিগডনশিয়া বলে।
Taurodontism-টরোডন্টিজম হচ্ছে দাঁতের একটি গঠনগত অস্বাভাবিকতা ।
Fusion-দুটি সংলগ্ন দাঁতের জীবাণু একত্রিত হয়ে একটি বড় দাঁত তৈরি করে। দাঁতের ফিউশনের ঘটনাটি
Oral Ulcer for Dental Technology Course in Dhaka
কোন আঘাত ,ইনফেকশন, টিউমার অথবা systemic বা local factor এর জন্য oral mucosa ক্ষতি গ্রস্থ হলে তাকে oral ulcer বলে।
Oral Surgery for Dental Technology Course In Dhaka
Dentistry এর যে শাখায় মুখের surgical treatment নিয়ে deal করে তাকেoral surgery বলে।
দাঁত তোলার সময় নিম্নক্ত বিষয়গুল জানা দরকার-
Patient এর Medical History
সঠিকভাবে Anesthesia
সঠিক যন্ত্রপাতি নির্বাচন
Nerve ,Sinus, আরও অন্যান্য surrounding anatomical structure সম্পর্কে ধারনা।
Periacipal infection আছে কিনা দেখতে হবে।
Procedure of Extraction for Dental Best Course in Dhaka
প্রথমে যে দাঁত Extraction করতে হবে তাকে এবং তার surrounding tissue properly anesthesia করতে হবে।
উপরের দাঁতের ক্ষেত্রে infiltration নিচের দাঁতের ক্ষেত্রে কিন্তু block অথবা Nerve block বাচ্চাদের ক্ষেত্রে gel অথবা স্প্রে।
Anesthesia দেয়ার পর ভালভাবে অবশ হয়েছে কিনা চেক করতে হবে।
অবশ হয়ে গেলে Extraction Procedure শুরু হবে।
প্রথমে free gingiva & inter periodontal ligament দাঁত থেকে আলাদা করে দিতে হবে। এক্ষেত্রে periosteal elevator ব্যাবহার করা যেতে পারে।
এখন clevator দিয়ে দাঁতের long axis বরাবর pressure দিতে হবে।খেয়াল রাখতে হবে যেন পাশের দাঁতে pressure না পরে। দাঁত elevated হলে forcep নিতে হবে।
Forcep দিয়ে প্রথমে buccally ,lingually পরে more bucally দাঁতকে ঘুরিয়ে দাঁত তুলে আনতে হবে। single root এর ক্ষেত্রে rotatory movement এ কাজ করতে হবে।
দাঁত তুলে নিয়ে আসার পর socket এ infection থাকলে cureite করে আনতে হবে। bones উঁচু হয়ে থাকলে সেগুলো bone file দিয়ে ঘষে সমান করে দিতে হবে।এরপর নরমাল সেলাইন দিয়ে irrigate করে নিতে হবে।
দুপাশের gingiva গুলোকে টেনে এনে compress করে দিতে হবে। প্রয়োজনে stitching দিতে হবে।তারপর damp cotton দিয়ে patient কে শক্ত করে কামড় দিয়ে রাখতে হবে।
Oro- Antral Fistula for Dental Best Course in Dhaka
Oro Antral Fistula একটি abnormal pathway,যা Maxillary sinus এর wall ছিদ্র হয়ে sinus এবং oral cavity এর মধ্যে একটি রাস্তা তৈরি করে।
Pulp Pathology for Dental Best Course In Dhaka
Disease of the pulp-
Dental Caries-Classification of caries.
According to the location caries can be –
a-Primary caries
b-Secondary caries
According to the amount of tooth involvement ,caries can be –
a-Incipient caries
b-Advanced caries
According to the rate of progression ,caries can be-
a-Acute caries
b-Chronic Caries
Acute pulpitis-
- Acute open pulpitis
- Acute hypersensitive pulpitis
Chronic pulpitis-
- Chronic closed pulpitis
- Chronic open pulpitis
- Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis
Root Canal Treatment for Dental Best Course In Dhaka
Definition of root canal treatment –
It maybe defined as the complete removal of the irreversible damaged dental pulp followed by through cleaning ,shaping and obturation of the root canal system. So, That a tooth may remain as a functional unit in the dental arch.
Indication of root canal treatment-
- All the teeth with pulpal and periapical pathosis
- Periodontal disease
- Risk of exposure
- Pulpal sclerosis following trauma
- Acute pulpitis
- Pulp stone
- Acute alveolar abscess
- Granuloma
- Chronic pulpitis
Sterilization & Control of Infection for Dental Best Course In Dhaka
Sterilization is the process by which all viable microorganisms including spores are killed or eliminated.
Physical Sterilization -Dry Heat
Incineration- Gas and electric furnaces are used for destruction of organism
Flaming-This is commonly used for sterilization of platinum loop, needle and non-inflammable substances.
Flaming-This is commonly used for sterilization of platinum loop, needle and non-inflammable substances.
Red Heat-Wire loops used in Microbiology labortory are sterilized by heating to red in bunsen burner or spirit lamp flame. Temperature is above 100C.It Leads to sterilization .
Sterilization by hot air oven-It is one of the most common method used for sterilization in the laboratory. Temperature is required at 160C.Time is one hour but there is no pressure quire.
Process of Sterilization by hot air oven-
The oven is double metalic walls and a door. There is an air space between these walls.
The oven is heated by electricity or gas at the bottom.
On heating the air at the bottom becomes hot and passes between the two walls from below upwards and then passes in the inner chamber through the holes on the top of the oven.
A thermostat is fitted to maintain a constant temperature of 160C.
Uses of Hot air oven-
- All glass wares like petridish, test tube, glass slide, beakers and flasks
- Oily substances like fat, grease are sterilized by hot air oven.
- Surgical instruments are sterilized by hot air oven.
- Swab sticks are also sterilized
Disadvantage of hot air oven-
- Need more temperature
- Time consuming
- Plastic materials can not
- Natural and Synthetic fibers can not be sterilized
- Destroy the constituents of normal media
Sterilization at 100’C
Boiling-Boiling at 100’C for 30 Minutes is done in a water bath. All bacteria and certain and certain spores are killed. It leads to disinfection.
Syringes, rubber goods and surgical instruments maybe sterilized by this method.
Autoclaving-Autoclaving is one of the most common method of sterilization. In this method sterilization .In this method sterilization is done by steam under pressure.
Uses of Autoclave for Dental best course In Dhaka
Surgical Instruments, Gauze ,bandage ,hand gloves, culture media ,apron, dressing, etc are sterilized by autoclave.
Advantages of Autoclave –
- As it is moist heat, it has more penetrating power.
- Pressure is applied, so effective under low temperature.
- Liberation of latent heat occurs during condensation of steam. So, internal temperature increases.
- Less time consuming
- No charring
- It is an efficient sporicidal procedure
- Dressing apron gloves catheter surgical instruments and natural and synthetic fibers can be sterilized by this method.
Disadvantages of autoclave-
- Equipment is costly
- There is a chance of explosion
- Plastic materials, fats, oils powder etc. can not be sterilized.
Difference between autoclave and hot air oven-
- Autoclave-Less time consuming
- Hot Air oven-More time consuming
- Autoclave-Moist heat has more penetrating power
- Hot air oven-Dry heat has less penetrating power
- Autoclave- Latent heat of evaporation is release
Hot air oven-Latent heat of evaporation is not release