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HRTD Medical Institute
PDT Gynecology Courses

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology (PDT-Gynecology).

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology (PDT-Gynecology) Course Details

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology. Mobile No. 01987-073965, 01797-522136. These Courses are 6 Months PDT-Gynecology, 1-Year PDT Gynecology, and 2-Year PDT-Gynecology. 6 Month PDT-Gynecology Course Fee is Tk 35000/-, 1 Year PDT Gynecology Course Fee is Tk 65000/-, and 2 Years PDT Gynecology Course Fee Tk 125000/-. Each Semester of 6 Months contains 4 subjects and an exam mark of 400.

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology

6 Months Post Diploma Training in Gynecology (PDT-Gynecology) Course Details

6 Months Post-Diploma Training in Gynecology that is PDT-Gynecology 6 Months Course Fee 35000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 10000/-, Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/- and Exam Fee of Tk 1000. 6 Months PDT-Gynecology Course contains 4 subjects. You can choose any 4 of these subjects Female Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Gynecological Drugs, Common Gynecological Disease, Reproductive Endocrinology, Pregnancy Management, and Normal Delivery.

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology

1 Year Post Diploma Training in Gynecology (PDT-Gynecology 1 Year) Course Details

1 Year Post-Diploma Training in Gynecology that is PDT-Gynecology 1 Year Course Fee 65000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 15000/-, Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/- and Exam Fee of Tk 2000. 1 Year PDT-Gynecology Course contains 4 subjects. You can choose any 8 of these subjects Female Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Gynecological Drugs-1, Common Gynecological Disease, Reproductive Endocrinology, Pregnancy Management, and Normal Delivery, Gynecological Drugs-2, Gynecological Surgery.

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology

2 Years Post Diploma Training in Gynecology (PDT-Gynecology 2 Years) Course Details

2 Years Post-Diploma Training in Gynecology that is PDT-Gynecology 1 Year Course Fee 125,000/-. The payment system is an Admission Fee of Tk 25000/-, a Monthly Fee of Tk 4000/-, and an Exam Fee of Tk 4000. 2 Years PDT-Gynecology Course contains 16 subjects. You can choose any 16 of these subjects Female Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Male Reproductive Anatomy & Physiology, Gynecological Drugs-1, Common Gynecological Disease, Reproductive Endocrinology, Pregnancy Management, and Normal Delivery, Gynecological Drugs-2, Gynecological Surgery-1, Gynecological Surgery-2, Abortion, Menstrual Complications, Family Planning, etc.

Post Diploma Training in Gynecology
HRTD Medical Institute

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Post Diploma Training Details Post Diploma Training. Mobile Phone 01797-522136, 01987-073965. Post Diploma Training are …

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