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Post Diploma Training

Post Diploma Training in Gastrology 1

Post Diploma Training Details Post Diploma Training. Mobile Phone 01797-522136, 01987-073965. Post Diploma Training are some training courses for diploma holders. Post Diploma Trainings are PDT Medicine, PDT Cardiology, PDT Diabetology, PDT Ophthalmology, PDT Eear Nose and Throat, PDT Pediatrics, PDT Dermatology, PDT Skin VD, PDT Geriatric Diseases, PDT Orthopedics, …

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Scarlet Fever

Scarlet Fever Details Scarlet Fever. HRTD Medical Institute, Mirpur-10, Golchattar, Dhaka-1216. The fever that creates scarlet rash is called Scarlet Fever. Bright Red Color is called Scarlet. যে জ্বরে উজ্জ্বল লাল র্্যাশ দেখা যায় তাকে স্কারলেট ফিভার বলে । উজ্জ্বল লাল রঙকে স্কারলেট বলে । For Detail Information about Scarlet …

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Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial Tissue Details Epithelial Tissue. Mobile Phone Number. 01987073965. যে সকল tissue দেহে অবস্থিত organ গুলিকে, gland গুলিকে এবং অন্যান্য ‍struck গুলিকে আবৃত করে রাখে, তাদেরকে Epithelial Tissue বলে । এই tissue গুলিকে বাংলায় আবরণি কলা বলা হয় । Location of Epithelial Tissue Epithelial Tissue পাওয়া যায় নিম্ন লিখিত স্থানে …

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Medical & Emergency Supply Company (MESCO)

Medical Supply Company. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987-073965. MESCO is a Medical & Emergency Supply Company. We supply Medical Books, Medical Instrument, Medical devices, and Everything related to Medical and Health Sectors. We supply to all Medical College, Hospitals, Diagnostic Centers, NGOs, and Pharmacies all over Bangladesh. Location of MESCO (Medical …

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Medical Biochemistry

Medical Biochemistry Details Biochemistry is an important subject that discusses everything related to biochemicals. The common biochemicals are Histamin, Leucotrien, Prostaglandin, Lipoprotein, Triglyceride, Hormones, Enzymes, Angiotensin 1, Angiotensin 2, etc. Biochemistry is a very important subject in Medical Science. Medical Biochemistry Details Medical Biochemistry.

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Cardiovascular Drugs

Cardiovascular Drugs

Cardiovascular Drugs Details Cardiovascular Drugs. Mobile Phone 01797-522136, 01987-073965. The drugs that are used for the treatment of cardiovascular disease are called cardiovascular drugs. Cardiovascular drugs should be administered carefully because the heart is a vital organ of the body. So, treatment and every service should be done carefully. Cardiology …

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Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune Disease Details The diseases that are created by the immune system are Autoimmune Diseases. The immune system is responsible to protect the body from disease. But sometimes it creates disease and destroys the organ system and the body. These diseases are called Autoimmune Diseases. Autoimmune Diseases are Rheumatoid Arthritis, …

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International OTC Drugs and Medicines

International OTC Drugs Details OTC Drugs are Over the Counter Drugs. Mobile Phone 01797522136, 01987073965. The drugs and medicines can be used according to the patient’s symptoms. These drugs and medicines can be sold and purchased without a prescription. There are many International OTC Drugs and Medicines. Common OTC Drug …

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6-Month Training Course of HRTD Limited

6-Month Training Course of HRTD Limited 6-Month Training Courses. Mobile Phone 01797-522136, 01987-073965. 6 Months Training Courses of HRTD Limited are Pharmacy Course 6 Months, LMAF Course 6 Months, RMP Course 6 Months, LMA Vet Course 6 Months, RMP Vet Course 6 Months, Caregiving Course 6 Months, Veterinary Caregiving Course …

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Veterinary Caregiving Courses in Bangladesh

Veterinary Caregiving Courses. Mobile Phone. 01797-522136, 01987-073965. Veterinary Caregiving Course 6 Months, Veterinary Caregiving Course 1 Year, Veterinary Caregiving Course 2 Years in HRTD Medical Institute. HRTD Medical Institute is an organization of HRTD Limited. Location of Veterinary Caregiving Training Center Location of Veterinary Training Center. 01941123488, 01797522136. HRTD Medical …

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